There are millions of websites that are on the Internet that are out-of-date and non-responsive to smart phones and devices. Having a website like this is costing your business in every way.
Many of your website visitors simply move on after viewing your homepage.
In my 15 years in the web design business, more than half of my projects has been redesigning old websites into a modern, customized web designs that is not only mobile phone friendly but a website that has also been optimized for Internet Search Engines.
One of the major changes since your website was originally designed is that all search engines have changed their algorithms.
This means your website, even if it was optimized for Search Engines when it was designed, is most likely not optimized for today's search engines.
I have six questions to ask yourself about your existing website.
1. Is your website mobile phone friendly? Is your existing website easily viewed on mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers?
2. Do you know if your web designer has optimized your website with browser title tags and meta descriptions for each web page?
3. Has your website been designed to be in compliance with the latest ADA Accessibility laws and regulations?
4. Did your web designer add your website to Google Analytics, a free service from Google to let you know how many visitors you are getting on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Google Analytics will also tell you where your website visitors are located and which webpages that they have the most interest?
5. What do you think about your current website? Do you feel like you need to refresh the website and / or make some updates to it?
This would also be a good opportunity for you to provide updated images and information for your website.
Call or email me with your current website address and I will give you a firm quote on what it would cost for me to redesign your website.