Starlight Website Design
I have designed websites for over 20 years. I have used Front Page, Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress, Joomla and WIX, Weebly and other Web Builders.
I started my business, Starlight Website Design in 2009 and have designed hundreds of websites.
In order to focus on my strengths, I now use just one Content Management System (CMS) software program, Joomla 5, for all of my web designs.
This way I concentrate my knowledge and skills into just one major web design platform instead of trying to be an expert in many different web design software systems.
Joomla 5 is Content Management System that powers millions of websites worldwide. This CMS also powers very large and complex websites and very large corporations and organizations.
Examples of organizations or companies that use the every same software that I use to design websites for my clients include; Holiday Inn, Lipton Tea, Harvard University, Linux (company that designs software that powers millions of hosting accounts), Uniiversity of Notre Dame, Guggenheim Museum, Fashion Spot, EBay, MTV Greece, Nintendo and athletics Michael Phelps and Roger Federer.
A CMS website is one that gives you or someone you would assign that would be able to edit and make changes on the live website without anyone seeing anything until you SAVE and CLOSE that webpage.
I am actually making changes to this webpage using a front end login.
I just made a screenshot of the webpage showing the JCE editor that I am using which is a web editor that is only slightly more complicated than Microsoft Word.
Along the top two rows of icons should look familiar because those icons are also in Microsoft Word.
How a webpage is displayed on an Internet browser depends on the HTML code for that webpage.
You can see for those of you who know something about HTML code you can click and see the code yourself and you are able to make changes in the code as well.
Changes on your web page works very much like editing a Word document.
Once you changes have been made, you just click Save & Close and the changes are immediately display on that webpage.
Having a web designer to make your website changes can be expensive. If you or someone in your biusiness or organization can do this, will not only keep your website up to date but also save you a lot of money.
I will train you or someone from your business or organization who can keep your website updated and current.
Another plus in making changes. Your website will perform better with all Internet Search Engines and therefore increase the number of visitors to your website.
Google and Bing will tell you that a website that changes periodically will rank higher in Internet Search Rankings.
So having a CMS website such as Joomla 5 have plenty of advantages over a website that you have to hire a web designer to update.
Regardless if it a new website or a redesign of an out-of-date website, the finished product will be a well designed, responsive website that will work with desktop computers, tablets or smart phones. The websites will also be optimized with the appropriate Keywords and Meta Descriptions according to Google Guidelines.
Call me for more information at (806)283-6347 or complete the contact form on my homepage.