Search Engine


search-engine-optimizationAll web designs will include the appropriate meta tags and keywords / key phrases necessary to optimize your website's visibility to Internet Search Engines.

Once your website is live to the Internet, we will report the website's URL to the major Internet search engines so they can begin their process of indexing your website. It is normal for the process of indexing to take several weeks but over time the search results rankings should improve.

Bing now requires that new or updated websites have a sitemap submitted to Bing Webmaster Tools.  Google as well requires a sitemap be submitted to Google Search Console.

I will take care of all these steps.

In addition, I will assist in setting up a free Google Analytics Account so you can keep up with the web traffic to your website and from where that traffic is coming from.

Some important aspects of page ranking for a website on search engines is having relevant information and information that is not static. Having a Content Management System website makes it easy for someone without web design software or knowledge to keep their website's content up-to-date and fresh.

Contact Information

Starlight Website Design






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